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Modus Bestia II

Session Dates: July 1 - August 6

The following curated course packages are an opportunity to expand learning. Note that weekends are included as part of instruction. 


Develops pre-algebra skills using number theory to build a strong foundation for the future study of algebra and geometry. Presents methodology and procedures to develop advanced algebraic skills essential for the study of higher mathematics. 


The ABC’s of Advanced Mathematics

Develops the ideas and methods of the calculus of Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. The course is equivalent to university level calculus. Recommended for students who have taken pre-calculus or an introductory calculus course.


Noli turbare circulos meos!

(Do not disturb my circles!) - Archimedes  

This course combines DEATHLY HALLOWS and METRIC LETTERS to connect higher algebra with analytic geometry and trigonometry creating a rich mathematical foundation for advanced study. Recommended for students who will take pre-calculus or calculus.

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