promoting academic excellence
DaVinci Camp

Theory and Practice
Develops pre-algebra skills using number theory to build a strong foundation for the future study of algebra and geometry. Note that Q NUMBERS is the continuation of the NUMBERS course with an emphasis on rational numbers and problem solving - fractions! 𝕌NIFIED NUMBERS is equivalent to a combination of the both courses.
(rising 6th and 7th grades)
Al-gabr Wa’l-muqabala: Completion & Balancing
Presents methodology and procedures to develop advanced algebraic skills essential for the study of higher mathematics. Note that CAPITAL LETTERS is the continuation of LETTERS and introduces topics such as advanced factoring techniques and rational functions. METRIC LETTERS is the third course in the LETTERS series. It combines geometry, analytic trigonometry and higher algebra.
(rising 7th through 11th grades)
Construction & Proof
Builds on strong arithmetic and algebraic skills the inductive, deductive and constructive methods of geometry. The axiomatic method of geometric proofs will be emphasized throughout the course.
(rising 7th through 9th grades)
Modeling & Problem Solving
Presents methodology, procedures and strategies to tackle problems arising in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, combinatorics and probability. (rising 8th through 10th grades)